Capital gains tax does not just apply to “big ticket” items such as real estate, farms and shareholdings. It also applies to a special class of assets known as “personal use assets” and, in particular, those personal use assets known as “collectibles”.
Tax issues when dealing with volunteers
From bushfire relief groups, sporting clubs, environmental groups, charity associations and many more, volunteers are an indispensable workforce and support network for many organisations. For most, if not all, having volunteers ready to lend a hand is pivotal in them being able to function or survive.
A new years resolution that will benefit you for years to come
Don’t ignore those tax debts: the ATO won’t!
Lost or destroyed tax records? Don’t panic!
Now and then, taxpayers may find themselves in a situation where they simply have no records to back up a tax claim. There can be many reasons for this, such as losing documents (either paper or electronic) when moving home, or technology failures that end up with the same result (or worse, destroyed records).
Two “main residences” is possible
The taxation of super death benefits
Who can I nominate as my super beneficiary?
Who is a resident for tax purposes?
When two bonuses are not enough ... Introducing the Energy Incentive!
Qualifying as an interdependent or financial dependant
A question that often gets asked when dealing with death benefit nominations is whether a person will qualify under the interdependency or financial dependency definitions. This is an important consideration as meeting the dependency criteria will enable potential beneficiaries to qualify as a dependant and therefore allow them to receive a death benefit.
How to nominate a superannuation beneficiary
How to reduce your income tax bill using superannuation
Did you know you can reduce your income tax by making a large personal tax-deductible contribution from your take-home pay to your super? This strategy may be particularly useful if you will be earning more income this financial year or if you have sold an asset this year and made a large capital gain.
Changes to unfair contract terms laws - what businesses need to know
Property developers – and would-be ones – beware!
Small business skills and training boost
Looking to boost your employees’ skills and your tax deductions at the same time? Then keep reading to see if you could be eligible for the small business skills and training boost! If you run a small or medium business and are planning on investing in, or recently invested in, training your employees, taking care to ensure the training is provided by a registered training provider could mean you can claim an additional 20% bonus tax deduction at tax time.
Don’t overlook the CGT small business roll-over concession
Are you eligible to make a personal deductible contribution?
Self-education: when is it deductible?
Avoid schemes targeting SMSFs
Sometimes promoters of schemes target self-managed super funds (SMSFs). Schemes can include tax avoidance arrangements that inappropriately channel money or assets into your SMSF so you pay less tax. They may also include arrangements promoting the illegal early release of benefits from your fund for personal use.